Are you an African who wants to study in Canada, but don’t have the money to fund your studies? Don’t worry; there are plenty of fully funded Canadian Masters scholarship for Africans.
This article lists all the fully funded Canadian masters scholarships currently on offer from Canadian universities, and provides information on how to apply and which documents you need to submit with your application.
You’ll also learn about the application deadlines for each scholarship, so you can plan your finances well in advance of the applications closing date.
Read on to learn about these fully funded Canadian Masters scholarships for Africans!
What do you need to know?
If you’re an African looking to further your studies in Canada, you need to know that there are a number of opportunities available to you.
While some schools offer full scholarships on a competitive basis (usually with certain academic requirements), others may have fully funded programmes for international students, especially those from developing nations.
The following is a list of Canadian universities offering masters scholarships or postgraduate programmes which are either fully or partially funded by various organizations.
As always, make sure you do your research before applying! In order to qualify for any scholarship funding offered by Canadian universities and educational institutes, it is likely that you will be required to hold at least a second class degree (upper division) from a recognized university.
However, most scholarships are open only to nationals of specific countries and regions; if in doubt about whether or not you can apply for any particular scholarship listed below, check directly with its awarding body as soon as possible after applying!
How do I apply?
To apply for a fully funded Canadian masters programme for Africans, take note of these four key points:
First and foremost, you must be an African citizen.
Second, you must be applying to your desired masters programme in Canada within your country of citizenship.
Third, applicants should also plan to visit their chosen universities in person.
Lastly, successful applicants should commit to living and working in Canada after they’ve completed their degree programmes.
Are there any other requirements?
Yes, If you are African and would like to study in Canada, then check out our information page about canadian scholarships for africans.
We also have a list of fully funded Canadian Masters programmes open to international students.
In most cases there is no age limit for these programmes but some do require that applicants already hold a Bachelor’s degree.
Most awards are provided on an annual basis with several years duration but many will be renewed annually or biannually if certain criteria are met by the student or their institution.
Many scholarship sponsors offer opportunities to visit their country as part of your award package, so it’s definitely worth applying even if you think your chances might be slim!
Where can I find more information?
If you’re looking to study in Canada, it’s important to do your research and find out which programs are eligible for funding.
The Post-Graduate Work Permit (PGWP) is a particularly good way of funding masters programmes if you want to stay on after graduating from a bachelor degree.
For more information about how to apply for a PGWP, click here.
For more information about Canadian scholarship opportunities and funding, visit Study in Canada or email
Are there any deadlines?
If you are an African citizen, there is no deadline—you can apply anytime.
You do not have to be accepted into a Canadian university or other post-secondary institution before applying; it doesn’t work that way in Canada.
In fact, you don’t even need to know where you want to study in Canada!
The only thing we ask is that you finish your degree within three years of being awarded your scholarship.
How do I contact the Canada Study Awards program office if I have questions about my application?
If you are interested in applying for a scholarship and have questions or concerns, you can contact our office by emailing us at or by calling our helpline Monday to Friday between 8:30 am and 4:30 pm (Eastern Time).
We can be reached via telephone at 1-800-267-9400 ext. 4655, or 1-613-996-3170 if outside of Canada.
How will I be notified of my application status?
Due to high volumes of applications, you may not be informed immediately about your status.
However, you will receive an email notification when your application has been reviewed.
If you are selected as a candidate for an interview or have been accepted to any of our programs, we will notify you by email or phone within 2 weeks of finalizing your application.
We strongly recommend that all applicants keep their contact information up-to-date on each application.
What should I do if I don’t meet all eligibility requirements but still want to apply for a scholarship
Generally, if you don’t meet all of a program’s requirements, you can still apply.
Although not all scholarships are based on need or require work experience, most will require that you demonstrate your commitment to furthering your education and/or career.
Make sure to explain in your application why you would be a good candidate even though some of your academic criteria may not match those set by your chosen program.
Where can I find out about related opportunities and services available in Canada from the Government of Canada?
If you are a citizen of an African country and have received your university degree in Africa, you may be eligible to come to Canada and study at any of our universities.
Whether you are interested in graduate studies or undergraduate studies, there are many scholarships and funding opportunities available.
It’s common knowledge that Canada is a beautiful country and has a lot to offer both immigrants and students alike.
The ability to study abroad without suffering a financial strain is an opportunity not many African students are offered, but with these fully funded Canadian masters scholarships, African students can make their dreams of studying in Canada a reality.