Farm & Fruit Picking Jobs in Canada



There are many fruit picking jobs in Canada to choose from, which can be both exciting and overwhelming at the same time.

To help you decide where to start your search, read on for information about the most popular fruit picking jobs in Canada, what to expect from these jobs, and how much you can earn.

There’s also information about some lesser-known farm jobs in Canada, if you’re interested in something other than fruit picking.

Requirements for fruit picking job

There are a few requirements that are necessary for being a fruit picking worker. These include

1) You must be at least 18 years old, or 16 with written consent from your parent or guardian;

2) You must have a Social Insurance Number (SIN);

3) You must have a valid Work Permit if you do not hold Canadian citizenship;

4) You must have an acceptable level of health and fitness to perform manual labour.

Your employer will also require you to provide them with a police certificate, which is issued by local authorities after they’ve conducted a background check on your past criminal history.

This certificate ensures that you don’t have any prior convictions for theft or violent crimes. As well, it proves that you haven’t been convicted of drug-related offences within the last five years.


How To Get Hired At A Vineyard or Farm

Working at a vineyard or farm is an amazing experience for those interested in agriculture, sustainability, and meeting new people.

It’s not as simple as grabbing your backpack and heading out to harvest, though—there are a few things you need to know before securing your first farm job.

Here’s what you should do Inquire with farms/vineyards:

  • Check online or call up nearby farms/vineyards to ask about available positions.
  • Be sure to note which ones are family-owned versus larger operations; smaller vineyards may be more flexible with pay and hours. If you have contacts within these organizations, use them!
  • Ask friends and family: Don’t forget to tap into your personal network of friends and family members who might have connections with local farmers or vineyards. You never know who knows whom!
  • Networking events: Attend networking events related to farming (such as conferences held by organizations like Slow Food) where employers might also be present.

Best Time Of Year For Fruit Picking Jobs In Canada

If you’re looking for a job in agriculture, it’s best to take a look at fruit picking jobs, because they are plentiful all year long. If you want to join a farm as a fruit picker, you should start getting ready now.

And if you don’t live near an agricultural region, there is still plenty of work to be done at local farms like vegetable growing and dairy producing farms.

How Much Do Fruit Pickers Make?

When you think of fruit picking jobs, one thing that’s likely to come to mind is how much you make. But before you jump into a job, it’s important to know what you can expect your paycheck to look like so that if picking fruit doesn’t fit your budget, you can find an alternative way to earn some money in Canada.

Here’s what you need to know about fruit picking salaries:
The average hourly wage for fruit pickers in Canada is between $10 and $12 per hour. The average salary for these workers ranges from $15,000 to $20,000 per year.

The top-paying provinces are Ontario and British Columbia at around $17 per hour or more; Quebec offers minimum wage at around $10 per hour.

What Kind Of Work Is Available In The Season?

There are several types of fruit picking jobs available, depending on where you want to pick. If you’re just starting out, though, I recommend getting a job at one of these orchards to learn about all of your options.

Are There Any Other Opportunities For Employment?

Fruit picking jobs are only available for a short time during specific seasons. It’s hard to predict exactly when fruits will be ready for harvest, so there may not be any fruit-picking jobs currently open.

If you’re flexible and you can travel within Canada, consider looking into farming job opportunities or even moving temporarily to another city with a larger farming community.

What’s The Weather Like?

Fruit picking jobs are dependent on weather conditions, so if you pick fruit during one of those months (it varies from region to region), know that you may find less work or none at all.

If you aren’t too keen on fruit picking jobs, keep an eye out for other farming job opportunities and plan accordingly.

Many farmers hire temporary workers year-round. The average hourly wage for a fruit picker is around $11 per hour, but it can vary depending on where you live and what kind of crop you’re harvesting.

In Ontario, for example, cherry pickers make around $12 per hour. In British Columbia, blueberry harvesters earn about $10.45 per hour. And apple pickers in Nova Scotia make between $9 and $12 per hour depending on experience level.



Are Workers Provided Accommodation And Food?

Usually fruit picking jobs in Canada require workers to provide their own accommodation and food. This means that you’ll have to arrange for a place to stay (camping or an inexpensive hotel are good options) and make your own meals.

However, many orchards will offer pickers a meal for a small fee (around $5) at one of their on-site cafes or cookouts.

Can I Work On My Own Or As Part Of A Group?

If you have the experience and skills set, then it is possible to work on your own or as a group as a fruit picker. You must show proof and meet all the requirements mentioned above.

What Do I Need To Bring? Anything Else I Should Know Before I Start Working At A Canadian Vineyard?

If you’re still not sure whether or not a career as a fruit picker is right for you, consider talking to some of your peers. Ask them about their experiences and find out what they think about life on a farm.

It may be that some of your friends have had good experiences picking fruit and can give you valuable advice on how to get started.

Is A Career In Fruit Picking Right For Me? – Final Thoughts

A career as a fruit picker is ideal for those seeking an opportunity to work on a seasonal basis while earning some extra cash. Fruit picking jobs are ideal for students and young adults who are seeking summer employment.

In addition, if you are a foreign citizen looking to gain experience working in Canada or interested in starting your own business, seasonal work might be a good fit for you!


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