How to Work in Canada As an Immigrant



Canadians are known for their work ethic, and there’s no better place to see this in action than in the workplace.

However, it can be difficult to find that first job if you don’t know what the process looks like, which is why we’ve written this guide on how to work in Canada as an immigrant.

We’ll discuss how you can qualify as an immigrant, how to prepare your résumé and cover letter, where to apply and more. Read on to learn everything you need to know about how to work in Canada as an immigrant!

Best Canadian Cities for New Immigrants

New immigrants to Canada should consider Toronto, Montreal and Vancouver as their destination cities. All three are multicultural cities with large immigrant populations that provide good opportunities for immigrants. Canadian cities also tend to be safer than many other parts of North America, which makes them particularly appealing for those with children. The United Nations has also rated Toronto as one of the best places on Earth to live, so it’s a safe bet all around.

How to get Canadian visa

Applying for a visa to enter or remain in Canada is mandatory for all foreign nationals who wish to visit, study, work, or immigrate. That said, it’s not always easy to get a Canadian visa. Different types of visas require different steps; there are single-entry visas and multiple-entry visas, which you can use for short stays or long stays. Visas also require travel documents and proof of funds, depending on how long you plan on staying (to determine what kind of job you may be able to find). Whether you want to work temporarily or permanently, read up on how best to apply—and whether or not you’re eligible at all. Canadian immigration can be complicated.


Finding a Job

While looking for jobs, it’s best to keep up your business contacts and industry knowledge. This will help ensure that you’re always on top of new opportunities, whether they’re in your current field or a completely different one. It’s also wise to engage with local business organizations, attend conferences and network as much as possible while abroad.

The more visible you are, the better chance you have of landing work after moving back home.

Finding Accommodation

There are two main ways for immigrants to find accommodation. The first is renting, and each province has different rules on what kinds of housing you can rent and how much you pay. The second is working on a Canadian farm or ranch through a program called Working Holiday (WH). There are no fees involved, but it’s not easy; you have to have a job lined up before arriving in Canada, and your employer will handle getting you work permits and making sure that your paperwork is legal.

Day-to-Day Life as an Immigrant

Although it is difficult to get a visa if you are not a citizen of North America, immigrating as a skilled worker or entrepreneur may be simpler than you think.

The Canadian government has put a lot of resources into attracting immigrants from all over the world and processing their paperwork. Learn about these programs, what documents you need, and how much time it will take for each step of the process.

Canadian Citizenship – How to become a Canadian citizen

In order to apply for citizenship, you must be a permanent resident for at least three years, or one year if you are living in Quebec. In addition, you must have lived in Canada for at least 183 days during each of those three years.



You must also understand English or French and pass a knowledge test on Canada’s history and values (known as the citizenship test). After all that—it could take up to eight months before your application is approved!

Moving Forward

After receiving your visa and becoming a Canadian resident, you have several options for applying for work permits. In order to understand which option is best for you, you should consider factors such as your immigration status, length of stay and type of employment.

Here are some common questions about getting a work permit in Canada:

How can I apply for a work permit? Is there a quota on available work permits? When can I start working once my permit has been issued? Do I need any specialized skills or training in order to qualify?


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