Job Description
The South African Police Service (SAPS) welcomes applications from appropriately qualified candidates to fill its employment opportunities in South Africa.
We, as Police Officials of the South African Police Service concede to the making of a free from any and all harm climate for all individuals in South Africa by –
- partaking in undertakings to address the main drivers of wrongdoing in the network;
- forestalling activity which may compromise the wellbeing or security of any network; and
- examining criminal lead which has jeopardized the wellbeing or security of the network and dealing with the culprits thereof
By and large, on the off chance that you join the South African Police Service, you’ll either join as a police official, or as a regular citizen worker:
Police authorities are utilized under the particulars of the South African Police Service Act. On the off chance that you’re applying to fill in as a police official, at that point your work will be generally engaged around the anticipation and battling of wrongdoing. Police authorities are generally forefront – they are out there on the roads battling lawbreakers and exploring occurrences.
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Required Knowledge and Experience
We pride ourselves with having the best people, which are our most important assets. Our company has been recognized for having the highest ethics and strives for excellency through distinctly higher standards than the norm.
We therefore urge only candidates with these unique requirements and experience to apply for this stimulating position.
To join SAPS as a police official, under the details of the South African Police Service Act, you should meet the accompanying qualification rules:
- You should be in any event 18 years old, yet younger than 30.
- You should have perpetual residency in South Africa.
- You should have the option to pass the mental evaluation controlled by SAPS, which confirms that you fit the profile of a police official.
- You should have a National Senior Certificate (NSC) at Grade 12, or a same.
- You should be conversant in English, and at any rate one other language.
- You should not have any obvious tattoos.
- You should not have any previous criminal feelings or history.
For most of these principles, you should supply SAPS with reported verification that you meet the standards.
How to Apply
- Interested applicants should submit their applications on the official application form, which can be obtained free of charge from any Police Station / SAPS Recruitment offices or downloaded from the SAPS Website (
- The Z83 previously utilized will no longer be accepted. All instructions on the application form must be adhered to, failure to do so may result in the rejection of the application.
- The post particulars and reference number of the post must be correctly specified on the application form.
- A comprehensive Curriculum Vitae must be attached together with the application form.
Copies of an applicant’s ID, Senior Certificate / National Senior Certificate / National Certificate(Vocational) and all educational qualifications (Degree / National Diploma) obtained and academic record must be attached, service certificates of previous employers (where applicable), motor vehicle driver’s license (optional). THE COPIES NEED NOT BE CERTIFIED. - Qualifications and driver’s licences submitted will be subjected to verification checking with the relevant institutions.
- Appointments will be made in terms of the South African Police Service Act, 1995.
- Applications must be hand-delivered timeously at the address indicated below. Late applications will not be accepted or considered.